The mechanic is preassembled and the fuselage is ready built with all decals attached. Note that this is an individual single piece production. So a waiting time of several weeks is usual.
The superfast Diabolo
The Diabolo S is a true High-Speed model without any compromises. With this model Miles Dunkel has flown the FAI speed world record on July 2015. In the following years on the 3D global he reached on the 200m lane as average speed in both directions more than 309 km/h. Also Frank Strupp has reached in one direction about 320 km/h.
Because there was no need for an universal use and the series was from beginning very small planned we had the room to design the model as radical as possible. So there was no need for a simple construction or an easy maintenance. Only a perfect aerodynamic and the smallest possible fuselage cut were the target, similar to Formula 1 cars. So the Diabiolo S may be from width and fuselage volume the smallest speed helicopter ever. The nose is extremely tip, the fuselage is at its bottom extremely sharp like a knife and promises so until a forward angle of about 20 degree the smallest possible drag.
The model was designed for the straight 200 meter distance. All in the model is narrow and only certain components (we advise you) are fitting in the fuselage. The stock Diabolo mechanic was for this use particulary extremely modified so that it is now fitting in the fuselage. The drive train, swashplate and rotorhead were later used in the Diabolo Black edition with a PEEK gear. In the Diabolo S works a hardened full metal gear for maximum output and minimum friction.
The kit was first produced in a series of 50 between 2014 and 2016. Because there were several requests we produced later some single models more and closed then the production in 2018. After several requests we decided to give the model a second go and it will be available again from 2022 and we are happy and proud to have it in program again.