Special parts
Result Pages: 1
Displaying 1 to 16 (of 16 products)
Result Pages: 1
Displaying 1 to 16 (of 16 products)
Shipping flat rate on payment method Advanced Payment
Germany 7,00 EUR
EU 19,- EUR
Shippingcosts on payment method Receipt or Paypal
Germany: Depending on complexity, between 1,50 EUR and 7,00 EUR.
Note: On shop orders a software related flat price of 7,00 EUR will be calculated, which is will be adjusted by us to the the real cost.
EU: Depending on complexity, between 2,- EUR and 19,- EUR.
Note: On shop orders a software related flat price of 19,- EUR will be calculated, which is will be adjusted by us to the the real cost.